A feature that I love on Linux and that I was missing in macOS was the fact that you can simply hold down ALT and then click anywhere on a window to drag/move it around. It makes me a lot more productive as I don’t have to waste time trying to aim at a precise part of the window in order to move it around quickly. Well, turns out that we can do almost the same thing under macOS as well! Oddly, this feature is not enabled by default, so you have to enable it by typing this in a terminal:
defaults write -g NSWindowShouldDragOnGesture -bool true
Then for the changes to take effect, you need to log OUT of your session and log back in.
Once you log back in, you should now be able to move windows by clicking on any part of it, simply by holding down cmd + ctrl + click & move:
If you ever change your mind and decide you want to disable this and make things back to how it was by default, you can revert it by typing this in a terminal:
defaults delete -g NSWindowShouldDragOnGesture
That’s it! Hope that was useful. Here’s the source where I found out about this useful tip: