Je vous présente un nouveau petit site que j’ai créé en React.js, surtout pour pratiquer mes “skills” en développement, autant au niveau look que fonctionnalitées. J’ai tenté de reproduire, “from scratch”, le look du site du journal “Le Devoir”, donc oui c’est normal que vous y voyez des ressemblances évidentes 🙂 Tant qu’à y…
Author: toogreen
New web version of my CV/Resume up!
As you may (or may not) know, I’m currently open to any work opportunities, therefore I worked on the “web” version of my CV quite a bit over the weekend. I’ve converted the static HTML version of it to a way better version using the React.js framework. This allowed me to make it bilingual by…
My first React.js App!
Yes, it’s just a very silly Meme Generator. Pretty simple stuff, but satisfying nonetheless to have a completed, working app that I entirely built myself (with the help of a tutorial, I will admit). In any case, here it is, go ahead and play around with it!
Le “scam” des masques bien expliqué dans Le Devoir
Amen esti. Un excellent article dans Le Devoir. Je suis même surpris que ça été publié. Tout est dit à propos des masques, et bien expliqué #Plandemic #faussepandemie #COVID19 #CoronaVirus #masques En effet, la raison pour laquelle c’est uniquement le port du couvre-visage qui importe, et non son efficacité, est que le masque sert principalement de symbole de réminiscence constante…
Excellent article en français sur Bill Gates
Learn React.js
This is an AWESOME tutorial if you want to get into REACT and you’re not sure where to start…
Great talk about HTML semantics
A good reminder that we should use HTML as it was intended to be!
Surfing for the first time!
Had quite a blast! More videos coming probably, but here’s a sneak peek. Not bad for a first time eh? 😛 Update: here’s a compilation of clips from my entire session!
Run a Web Server from Any Folder on Your Mac!
I just discovered this really simple hack which is both a time and life saver if you want to quickly test simple websites on your machine. From any folder (a GIT folder for example where your code is), you simply need to run this simple Python command: UPDATE! Since Python 3, it has now changed…
TIL that you can host simple static HTML sites on S3. Pretty cool trick.
Find out more at the link below: